Ingartek continues implementing actions of its equality plan

Ingartek continues implementing actions of its equality plan

Within the framework of the 2021-2024 Equality Plan launched by Ingartek last year, the expert organization in traffic and mobility studies continues to take steps to promote equality and raise awareness among the members of the workforce.

The Ingartek Equality Commission, made up of two members of the management and two of the staff, has completed the Gizonduz training at the hands of Emakunde together with the rest of the workforce, one of the actions included in the Equality Plan in order to to sensitize the people who work at Ingartek about how they can promote equality in their day to day.

EQUALITY PLAN 2021 – 2024

For Ingartek, having an Equality Plan is a strategic priority, since the company, having less than 50 workers, is not required by law to have a roadmap to guarantee and promote equality in the organization. However, Ingartek firmly believes in the need to promote values based on equality in all areas of society, including at work, which is why the organization is committed to developing the 2021-2024 Equality Plan.

In 2020, Ingartek carried out a diagnosis to find out the situation of the workforce in terms of equality, and based on this diagnosis, it created the 2021-2024 Equality Plan, which includes the main areas of intervention and specific actions.

Ingartek launched the 2021-2024 Equality Plan last year, to reiterate its commitment to promoting equality between men and women in the workplace in particular and in society in general, and is already carrying out actions included in the Plan

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