Mobility to work law

Mobility to work law

For years, different plans have been developed so that citizens can reach their jobs in a more sustainable way and without incurring unbearable costs. For this reason, different measures are about to be approved that will become a law on mobility to work. In the following lines we show you everything you need to know about the progress that has been made so far.


The job mobility law has not yet been passed. There is, however, a draft bill that was approved last December and sent to Parliament at the same time.

The Sustainable Mobility Bill is designed to enable citizens to access the various essential public services as well as their workplace. At the same time, the aim is to minimise the impact on the environment and reduce the use of private transport.

In addition, new technologies are essential for all these changes and it is vital that they are made available so that ordinary citizens can benefit from all these measures. Hence, investments should focus on issues that benefit society at large.

Some Autonomous Communities already have their own mobility to work plans that focus, among other things, on promoting public transport. How are they doing it? By reducing the price of public transport to make it more affordable for everyone.

For example, this is part of the Community of Madrid’s mobility to work plans or Navarra’s mobility to work plans. These are direct aids from which citizens can benefit.

Before coming to Parliament, the draft bill that we have discussed had a long journey and different allegations were presented so that it could take the form it has today. The future law on mobility to work is based on five essential pillars:

  • Mobility should be a social right.
  • Mobility should be clean and also protect health.
  • That transport should be digital and incorporate all innovations for its improvement.
  • Investments should be made to provide the best possible service to citizens.
  • Mobility should be considered a social right.

Large companies are also expected to have their own commuting scheme for all their employees. The aim is not only to make it easier and less costly for citizens to get to work, but also to reduce the environmental footprint.

All these mobility to work aids have to be within a framework of collaboration, co-operation and co-ordination of all those involved. Only in this way can they succeed.

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