Strategic mobility and transport plans towards a key date: 2050

Strategic mobility and transport plans towards a key date: 2050

Why is it so important to make strategic mobility and transport plans? If our city’s goal is to make transport more sustainable, mobility studies and subsequent strategic plans will be the keys to starting the process.

Sustainable public transport is the most environmentally friendly alternative to urban mobility problems. The evolution of cities and the search for sustainable mobility have made this the most sought-after alternative for medium and large cities, which are more affected by the delicate environmental situation. It is precisely in these cities that short journeys can be made without emitting gases and without having a harmful impact on our health and the environment. According to experts, any action taken today and in the coming years and decades will be the key to an era of change: 2050.

What is sustainable transport?

Sustainability is based on the use of resources without abusing them. If we apply this to urban transport, it will be sustainable if it reduces energy consumption and bets on clean and renewable energies. Thus, vehicles that, by polluting less, optimize the movements will be key. In the case of passenger transport, for example, those that manage to move more passengers by polluting less will be more sustainable: this is the case of public buses, the metro, trains, trams…

2050, a key year

Current urban planning will be the key to the future for medium and large cities. It is estimated that today more than 50 % of the world’s inhabitants live in cities. In addition, it is estimated that this figure will increase considerably in the coming decades, with 2050 being the turning point.

According to experts, nearly two-thirds of humanity will live in cities that year. In terms of numbers, in 2015, nearly 4 billion people lived in large cities; and by 2030 the figure is estimated to rise to 5 billion. Staying ahead of this agglomeration will be the handicap towards more sustainable transport.

Ingartek, a specialist in traffic and mobility engineering, analyses and develops strategic mobility and transport plans for a broad market: public and private administrations, for all transport consulting, public and private companies…

Its multidisciplinary team works to make transport and mobility effective in time and cost, and of course, to make it sustainable. All this in order to achieve urban regeneration and the success of public spaces.

If you want to know more about the services we offer, contact us by calling 946556223 or sending an email to If you prefer you can fill out our contact form, and we will contact you.


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