Regulations on a mobility to work plan implemented in the basque country

Regulations on a mobility to work plan implemented in the basque country

A pioneering regulation has been implemented in the Basque Country in the field of sustainable urban mobility: the Regulation on a mobility plan to work. This initiative aims to promote a more efficient and environmentally friendly way of travelling, reduce dependence on private vehicles and promote the use of sustainable means of transport.

The Basque Country’s Mobility to Work Law establishes a series of guidelines and measures aimed at improving mobility to work in the Basque Country and the quality of life of residents and reducing the negative impact of traffic on the environment. The main objective of this regulatory framework is to promote sustainable, more efficient mobility by promoting alternatives to the use of the personal car.


Among the measures introduced by the regulation are the promotion of the use of public transport, the creation of adequate infrastructures for bicycle and tram parking, as well as the promotion of teleworking and flexible working hours.

Companies have a tool at their disposal to make progress in this area, such as a Mobility to Work Plan or a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.  The actions of both the law and a good strategic Plan for mobility to work are aimed at reducing traffic congestion, reducing pollutant emissions and improving air quality in Basque cities. At Ingartek we can help you to have yours.

Having a transport and mobility plan has many benefits for employees and the environment. On the one hand, staff can enjoy cheaper, healthier and more efficient transport, avoiding the costs associated with the maintenance and refuelling of personal vehicles. In addition, a more active and healthy lifestyle is promoted, encouraging active movement such as walking and cycling.

The new regulation helps to ensure sustainability and protect the environment. By reducing car use, you reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change. It also improves air quality and minimises health problems associated with air pollution and promotes sustainable mobility.

All in all, the Mobility to Work Plan Regulation is a major step towards more efficient circulation and sustainable urban mobility in the territory. By promoting alternatives to personal car use and taking action to reduce traffic congestion and polluting emissions.

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