
We apply technology and create information systems

At Ingartek we offer our services to cities, their citizens and their public administrations to ensure that citizens are satisfied with mobility,transport and accessibility to urban spaces. We want transport and mobility to be efficient in terms of time and cost, and to be sustainable.

Strategic mobility and transport plans

At Ingartek we create strategic mobility plans aimed at the balanced and efficient development of transport. We analyse current needs and infrastructures in order to optimise resources, both in terms of cost and time. The core of our work is based onsustainability.

Servicios de Planes estratégicos de movilidad y transporte
Auditorías de servicio de transporte Ingartek

Transport service audits

Measuring the results of a transport plan is crucial for the optimisation of services, such as punctuality and quality, for example. We carry out OSS audits in order to measure and improve services.

Mobility and traffic studies

At Ingartek we produce mobility and traffic studies based on the collection of data relating to traffic, carrying out surveys or studies of demand in order to facilitate the final decision.

Servicio Estudios de movilidad y tráfico
Servicios de Planificación Urbana

Urban Planning

We design comprehensive engineering and planning studies based on analysis of mobility and accessibility, and identifying the main points of conflict in the territory…

Technical assistance and technological development

Technology is a tool that is used to improve mobility. We are specialists in the development of web and mobile applications, aimed at improving the relationships between transport operators and travellers…

Asistencia técnica y desarrollo tecnológico

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